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Tiny Hearts Photography


Phone (201) 380-2496
Mobile (201) 380-2496 - Mobile
Address 537 Commerce St, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417,
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 United States


"New Jersey Newborn, Maternity, Children, baby and Family Photographer in New Jersey. My Name is Maria, Owner of Tiny Hearts Photography. I am a newborn, child, and family photographer based out of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. When I am not spending my days capturing each moment of your sweet beautiful lives, I am home being a mom to three gorgeous little ones. Newborn Photography is my specialty, however, I also love capturing growing bellies and families too. Being a photographer for seven years now, I have learned that every moment in life is precious and truly magical that only lasts for a few moments. My goal is to always provide you with a wonderful experience. This includes a fun session, high-quality prints, beautiful products.

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